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Työväen Näyttamöpäivät is a national theater festival organized annually in Mikkeli. The weekend-long event, which takes place at the end of January, gathers industry enthusiasts and professionals as well as the public from Mikkeli and all over Finland to one of the best domestic amateur theater performances. In addition to high-class domestic groups, visitors are also invited to the Stage Days if possible. Panel discussions led by professionals are organized annually at the festival. Theater industry professionals are responsible for organizing the event.


All hobbyist groups from various fields of performing arts can apply for stage days. Applications for next year's festival open in the spring and end in September. The application instructions and schedule are published on the homepage of Näyttämöpäiväi.


The performances of the stage days are selected by a recognized professional in the theater field chosen by the program committee or a pair of selectors from among the applicants. The presentations of the review vary each year not only according to the general level of the applicant groups, but also according to the preferences of the voters.


After their performance, each group receives feedback from the jury, which consists of two theater professionals. After the event, the groups will receive a written summary of the discussion with the jury. In addition, the audience's favorite performance is voted on at the festival. The group that won the vote gets a rotating award chair to take home.


8–13 domestic groups are selected for the festival. Työväen Näyttämöpäivät supports groups' accommodation, travel and transportation costs up to €700/group. The performance spaces are equipped with stage technology, and the group is assisted by the professional technical staff of Näyttämöpäivii.


The spirit of the stage days is warm and the look of the event is open-minded, youthful and relaxed. The spirit of making theater in groups is committed and enthusiastic, this energy is transmitted year after year to the audience and the feedback-giving board.


Työväen Näyttamöpäivien is responsible for the organization of the Työväen Näyttamöpäivien support association.  the support association has five community members: the Mikkelin Teatteri support association, Työväen Näyttämöen Liitto, the city of Mikkeli, the local organization of the Mikkeli region of SAK and the Study Organization of the Mikkeli region of the Swedish Cultural Association.

The board of the Työväen Näyttämöpäivien support association

Board members 2022–2023:


Pentti Mäkinen (president), Mikkelin Teatteri
Alexander Anria, TNL

Annukka Ruuskanen, TNL

Heli Kauppinen, Mikkeli city

Kirsi Olkkonen, Mikkeli city

Marjukka Tikka, Mikkelin Theater

Sirkka-Liisa Laatunen, TSL 

Taisto Oksanen, TNL



Sari Rautiainen, SAK
Markku Tietäväinen, TSL



The program committee of the Workers' Stage Days

Program committee members 2022–2023:

Alekander Anria (CEO)

Annukka Ruuskanen (VP)
Say Erdogan
Taisto Oksanen




Työväen Näyttämöpäivien support association ry | Jukolankatu 22, 50130 Mikkeli | Produced by Minttu Tamski |
© 2023 by TNP. Powered and Secured byWix

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